After a long and hard training camp, the scouts adjourned to the Alibi to compare notes and see what was available on the free agent market. With lots of new faces and different amounts of turnover on the various team rosters, finding a proposed mix that would be fun, fair and equitable was …interesting. The incoming players were distributed according to some concern on who might have recruited them and how they might affect the flow of the game, others were randomly added as deemed fit and only 1 major player movement was initiated – the Reed twins were traded to Team Blair to add a little bit more (well…a lot more) speed and hopefully some consistent attendance. Anyway, we shall see how this all works out.
All teams have 15-17 runners so lots of running and quick changes are warranted. If we keep getting lots of consistent turnout we may bump the floor time by 15 min per game to encourage more individual running time.
Preliminary schedule is also posted – Game #1, the sparkling season opener is Wedneday May 3, 2017 Kinsmen Arena
Team Dirka vs. Team Lia 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Team Blair vs. Team Jacquie 9:00pm – 10:00pm
Bring all the fans for the ceremonial presentation of the commemorative Championship Tutus to last years Cup Winners – Team Princess (Lia) (that has an interesting sound to it – might be a good character name in a movie or something). Anyway, Lia is promising (threatening) matching princess tiaras/gowns/tutus for her winning team. Can’t wait!
See you all Wednesday! Remember all rosters and schedules are subject to change to make things work better.