1 Week to floor time!

I figure I will feel like crap in a week from tonight… as we hit the floor for the first time… ( and I haven’t ran since the Calf Blow Out of Sept/24 )

thanks to those that have EMT’d

Looking forward to seeing you all out in a week


First night, and need more clicking…

We have more people signed up this year than last!
We are starting May 15th… get some run in before the long weekend!
8pm – Kinsmen Arena – have the floor for 90min
if you haven’t clicked the link and filled it out – we need you to do so, as this is required for insurance…
click this link – fill out the form —-> https://forms.office.com/r/m5NRMSNQTV
EMT $200 this email address —-> payment@londonmasterslacrosse.com