During a number of the …many… irregular strategy and lax related discussion sessions over the winter, the need for new and additional sweaters for both HL and Travel was brought up. After a number of additional rounds (of discussion) it was sort of decided that we needed (wanted?) a visual makeover, so, for lack of any better plan we chose a team fight song first – Warren Zevon’s Werewolves of London because the howl was cool (can’t really think of a better reason, can you?) and then went out looking for possible graphics. Here is what we came up with –
The plan is to get reversible pinnies for summer 2014 showing the LaxWolf logo. Matching shorts and wicking, shooting shirts will also be available for the fashion conscious crowd. More details to follow. Comments, opinions, graphical input, stepping up and volunteering to look after our image reboot – all are welcome – come out to the registration and tell us what you think!