2014 Registration #3/ Startup? Wednesday April 16 8:00pm

Another good turnout last Thursday at Palasad South. Registrations are up to about 45 players with lots of new (and younger) faces. What with the usual suspects that don’t think that they need to register before the last possible moment we are pretty well assured of 4 teams already and possibly 5 or 6 depending on a further influx of new players. Be aware that more than 4 teams is not a given – we may decide to cut registrations off at 64/ 4 teams depending on goaltender resources and coming up with a workable scheduling arrangement for >4 teams. If you haven’t contacted Russ Allan to confirm a registration spot ahead of time, you may be out of luck if spaces are no longer available.

If the City of London gets the ice out fast enough and releases the floor, we will start Wednesday April 16, 2014 8:00pm at Kinsmen. Further (last minute) registration will occur at the arena. Bring your cheques/cash – online insurance registration capability will be available at the arena. The plan, as in the past, is to run an informal pickup game for the first couple of weeks so that we can see who is showing up and the skill level of the newer faces. After 1 (or maybe 2) weeks of informal pickup games, teams will be chosen and full games will commence. So, for the players that have registered, come out planning to play at 8:00pm. For the laggards, come out for 8:00pm to register and plan to play afterwards.

If the floor is not ready for lacrosse use by Wednesday Apr 16, we will relocate to the Alibi Roadhouse, just up the street at 25 Oxford St West to take further registrations and, as usual discuss …lacrosse!

Watch the website for further information as it becomes known.
