Werewolves were in Owen Sound last weekend, severely undermanned, but willing to make a go of it. 6-8 runners for 4 games is not enough (and painfully exhausting). A 3-10 loss to Brampton on Friday night set the tone for the weekend. Saturday morning, a quick 4 goal start allowed the Wolves to do some serious energy management and helped by GordC’s lights out goaltending led to an unexpected but well deserved victory 4-3 victory over Barrie. Unfortunately the Wolves ran out of gas Saturday afternoon, losing 1-13 to host Owen Sound. After some well deserved Saturday evening recharging with carbs and liquid carbs, the Wolves made a determined effort but were unable to score Sunday morning, losing to Whitby 0-8. At least no one expired on the floor!
2 points for the weekend – more than what would have been expected considering the number of players. In any case, on to Niagara in 4 weeks.
Go Werewolves of London…..AROOOOOOH!